Monday, October 15, 2012

3 Final Screenshots


Final Video: Music= Pretty Lights- "Hot Like Sauce"
This is my final viedo: I have used the song by Pretty Lights "Switch Up". I think I'm going to change this music to the song "Hot Like Sauce" as I feel it gives a better feeling that is more relevant to the animation in my movie.

More music research

I did a mock up video with this song

I think that the same beat through the whole movie doesn't really work.

Music research

Through the website i found a lot of music that I could use for my final video. This music is free to use and has no copyright standards. I feel this music gives a smooth but moving feel and would work well with what I am trying to portray in my video.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

And then my model turned to beach balls.

So I came into class and opened my model that I was working with on Saturday whilst doing my video to complete my video final, I haven't edited anything unusual or saved differently and this seems to have happened..

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Movie Trial



 For my movie about inhabiting space, using a model that is made to a large scale by duplication I am trying to portray a tight and claustrophobic feeling. I will be creating this feeling by having fast movements with harsh turns and falls through the model, I will also be using bright light animations through the model to detract the viewer and lead the movie through other openings of my model. 

I have chosen the title "Bright Spaces" because I feel like it brings the tight space and bright light idea which are two main parts of my movie together. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lighting sheets

I have added two light sheets in this. I think this works effectively and could also continue to add more sheets. I could also add more darker glowing sheet so that the white light and dark light are contrasting through my model. This would also give a more tighter and deeper feeling to my final video.

Blocking out areas with lighting

Lighting Experiments

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Story Board

This will be my establishing shot of my video, It shows the dark night time theme I have decided to go with, it also shows how my simple square rubix cube model has been transferred into a more complex looking model. It also is an abstract view and having the hole of darkness in the centre automatically draws your eyes inward into the model, making you want to feel like you can explore more.

I will then zoom straight down into my model, towards the bottom. I will insure I don't go to far into the model so that the edges of the model still frame my screen. Ensuring eyes of the viewers aren't lost.

I will then take a sharp fast turn into my model. I think that the harsh edges of my model needs to be shown as fast and sharp so that they relate. I will then view a series of abstract views of my models by going deeper and deeper through the gaps. I also want to have sheets of lights moving in front of the camera screen to create a trapped and lost feeling within my model.

I will follow through these gaps, and be avoiding the light sheets that will be passing through. My movements will be fast to give the feeling of trapped and wanting to escape, similar to the maze inspiration.

As I'm travelling through my model I will slowly be moving up to the more open boxes/platforms that are situated on the top. I think that the lighting won't be moving through these more open parts as I like the already made shadows. These open parts at the top give the movie a sense of breathing an allows the viewer to calm after the harsh fast movement that I begin with.

I will then move through the top gaps and return to almost where my movie established. I will then take a more slow approach to moving through this space, and it will still have lighting moving through the boxes at speed.

I will finish on a final view of the model similar to this. I will have less lights and the lights I do have will have come to a slow speed.

Abstract Views of model

Views that could be developed into my final video.

I prefer the night time shot over the lighter time of day, I think that the dark shows the lighting more and these lights define the edges of my models. The dark space/lighting also relates to the claustrophobic and tight deep space that I'm wanting to portray. The lighter time of day gives a bright happy neon glow feeling.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Claustrophobic space


Maze Inspiration

After duplicating my model I found that I developed new more complex views of my model. These views added to the tight deep and abstract view of space I am trying to portray in my final video. I found these views to resemble something similar to a real life maze, which is also something we as humans relate to as a tight space.

Inspiration towards Final

The idea of lego construction is similar to the idea of the rubix cube that started of my model. I could layer the model in different angles which would create more curves and depth to my model. I could also create a view similar to the red lego construction which would create a maze feel to my model. This would also relate to the idea of tight deep trapped space that I want to portray into my final video.

Duplicating model

After looking at the views of other constructions I have combined my model by duplicating it. This has given of some more different views.


These are examples over other constructed buildings. I could build my model up by repeating it to create a larger scale model which would allow more depth and abstract views to come into play for my final video.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

100 Words

Clean but claustrophobic feeling, through the use of the square shapes, line work and shadows is what inspires my model. In my video I plan to have a view looking down into the model creating an abstract view of the simple shapes that make it. I then plan to move down into the model with the use of light sheets moving through the model creating different views and angles and at the same time intersecting with my camera movements in to give the trapped feeling inside my model. Sticking with simple dark colors and plain ground.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spawn and Flow Graph

Spawn and Flow Graph:

This was the first lesson on learning how to put spawn points into our models, and creating flow graphs to create a starting point through our models.


Going into the third week, lesson one I still have beach balls appearing on my cry engine model. Luckily I have kept the model simple but I have deleted the inside box and frames and I'd add them back in later on. I have used another texture and replaced my model in cry engine.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This is my model at three different points. I like that it is symmetrical the entire way through but these views distort this. I think I want to delete the frames inside the windows so that I could have light sheets moving through my model and they wouldn't intersect these frames. I could also bring in these frames into cry later on in my animation and having them moving through my model to also give the claustraphobic and tight feeling.

Cry Engine